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How To Prepare Your Child For The Holidays - TIP 1

How To Prepare Your Child For The Holidays - TIP 1

​As we all know, the holidays can be busy times, but with children, we always strive to make the Holidays  a magical experience. With guests coming, party invites and family gatherings, here's our first awesome tip to help prepare your children for the incoming crowd and busy schedule of the holidays.

1 - Keep Everyone Informed

Be sure to tell your children about upcoming events ahead of time and remind them each day. Let them know lots of details, such as how everyone is planning to dress, the sort of behavior that's expected, and who will be there. Make sure to make it all sound fun.  These sorts of details help a child physically and mentally prepare for a new experience, lessening the chance of an outburst right when everyone is trying to get ready to go.

Try using Post-Its as a temporary wall schedule for easy family communication.  If your little ones can't read yet, they can draw pictures instead of words. 

How To Prepare Your Child For The Holidays - Tip 2
Holiday Events in the Roanoke Valley - With Event ...


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