An Average Day...
Morning Group
Each day begins with a large group activity. This large group activity has so many learning benefits it is hard not to want it to last all day. But developmentally, children are not ready to function for long periods of time in a large group. Typically, this activity occurs twice a day for five to ten minutes for twos, depending on the needs and dynamics of the children involved.
Learning self-control, communication, socialization, listening skills, math concepts (calendar), memorization, (finger plays and songs), and knowledge about the weekly theme (rain forests to space exploration) are all aspects of circle time! We create a special place to have it every day. Carpet squares or vinyl placemats help each child have a “spot” in morning circle. ”Radical Routines” are part of each morning circle time. Routines help children learn what to expect and repetition of familiar concepts help children learn faster. Songs, weather, helpers, recognizing special activities, and explaining the expectations for the day are all important routines we add.
Small Group
Small group times offer you the opportunity to work with a few children at one time to provide an activity that requires more teacher participation. We use this time to make sure each child has a special time with us.
Large Group
This area develops communication and early reading skills. Learning how to care for books, holding them and turning a page in sequence are only a few of the first important steps in developing a respect for books and reading. Listening, a key learning concept, is also an important skill developed in this area.