By brittany on Friday, 01 April 2016
Category: Uncategorized

4 Fun Spring Activities For Families

The snow is gone, the temperatures are rising, and your children are anxiously waiting to go outside to play. After spending all winter cooped up inside, it is normal for everyone to want to go outside and enjoy some fresh spring air. The question is – what kind of activities are you going to do with your family once you get outside? Here are some fun indoor and outdoor spring activities everyone will enjoy.

1. Grow a Garden

Head to the store to purchase some fruits, veggies, and herbs seeds. Growing a garden is not only fun, but it can be a great learning experience. Just make sure you are always with your child when he or she uses garden tools so no one gets hurt.

2. Build a Bird House

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, the birds will begin making their way back north. Consider building a bird house with your children to give the birds a place to come home to. You can find a bird house builder kit at just about any hobby store or in the craft aisle of a department store. If you are extra handy and creative, you could also just get wood from a hardware store and build one from scratch.

3. Turn Flowers Different Colors

Did you know you could change the color of a flower? This activity works best with white flowers such as carnations, daisies, or mums. In addition to the flowers, you just need some food coloring and a few containers filled with water. Mason jars work great because you can see the colored water. In order to color the flowers, you just need to put about 20 drops of the food coloring in the water and stir the water. Once the water has changed colors, you can cut the stem of the flower and put it in the water.

Check the flowers with your children every few hours. After about six hours, you should start to notice the color appearing in the flowers. Use this activity as an opportunity to teach your children about how the flowers are absorbing the water. Anytime you can use an activity or craft to double as a teaching opportunity, you should.

4. Do Some Self-Explanatory Outdoor Activities

Not everything you do outdoors with your family has to be crafty and creative. You could always go with something simple that is just as much fun. Here are some more self-explanatory activities you can enjoy in the spring weather:

Keep in mind, you do not have to go anywhere to go camping or go on a picnic. You can camp or enjoy a picnic in your own backyard. The goal with the outdoor activities is just to get outdoors and enjoy some fresh spring air with your family.

As you can see, spring activities and crafts can cost as little or as much money as you want them to. The goal with spring activities is to embrace the fact that the weather has warmed up and you can spend time outside. Just remember to have a few indoor activities in mind for days when the springtime showers hit.


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